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Danile Yu

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Everything posted by Danile Yu

  1. https://codepen.io/yoz0713/pen/bGjBRLv Here is the link to my CodePen that demonstrates the problem I encountered. Due to CORS restrictions on the canvas API, I cannot use images on CodePen. Therefore, I used CSS to style the canvas and set the canvas element to black (it should have rendered a specific area of an image). You can observe that the animation becomes laggy when the menu bar is toggled to show or close by using an iPhone to watch this demo. thank you.?
  2. After following your suggestion, the performance of iOS Safari improved slightly. However, it still is not good enough. I tried putting my code on Codepen to create a demo, but it did not work properly. The code contains about 40 canvas DOM elements in canvases1 to canvases4, and the animation involves spreading these canvases with a goat, sorry to post such a long code here. function bannerOutAnimation() { let bannerOut = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".second-page", start: "top bottom", scrub: 1, end: `+=${window.innerHeight}`, toggleActions: "play none none reverse", ignoreMobileResize: true }, force3D: true, // 触发硬件加速 }); const canvases1 = gsap.utils.toArray('.addCanvas:nth-of-type(4n+2)'); const canvases2 = gsap.utils.toArray('.addCanvas:nth-of-type(4n+3)'); const canvases3 = gsap.utils.toArray('.addCanvas:nth-of-type(4n+4)'); const canvases4 = gsap.utils.toArray('.addCanvas:nth-of-type(4n+5)'); bannerOut.to(".banner-paraBox", { opacity: 0, y: -window.innerHeight / 2, duration: 500 / window.innerHeight }).to(canvases1, { y: (index, target) => { let yDistance; if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.8 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.6 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.8 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.6 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1 } } return `-${yDistance}px`; }, duration: 1 }, "<").to(canvases2, { y: (index, target) => { let yDistance; if (index % 2 == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.6 } else { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.35 } return `-${yDistance}px`; }, duration: 1 }, "<").fromTo(canvases2, { x: 0 }, { x: (index, target) => { let xDistance; let side = index < Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) ? -1 : 1 if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { xDistance = 0 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * 35 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * 70 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * 105 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * 140 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * 175 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * 35 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * 70 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * 105 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * 140 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * 175 } } return `${xDistance}px`; }, }, "<").to(canvases3, { y: (index, target) => { let yDistance; if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.5 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.1 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.9 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.1 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.9 } } return `-${yDistance}px`; }, duration: 1 }, "<").fromTo(canvases3, { x: 0 }, { x: (index, target) => { let xDistance; let side = index < Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) ? -1 : 1 if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { xDistance = 0 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 5 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 35 * 5 } } return `${xDistance}px`; }, }, "<").to(canvases4, { y: (index, target) => { let yDistance; if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.1 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.9 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.6 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.4 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 1.2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.9 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.6 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { yDistance = window.innerHeight * 0.4 } } return `-${yDistance}px`; }, duration: 1 }, "<").fromTo(canvases4, { x: 0 }, { x: (index, target) => { let xDistance; let side = index < Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) ? -1 : 1 if (index >= Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { if (index == Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2)) { xDistance = 0 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 5 } } else { if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 4) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 3) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 2 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 2) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 3 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 1) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 4 } else if (index % Math.round(blocksNum.x / 2) == 0) { xDistance = side * window.innerWidth / 30 * 5 } } return `${xDistance}px`; }, }, "<").from(".second-page", { duration: 0.6, opacity: 0, }, "<") }
  3. I have a complicated animation that works well on computers and Android devices. Unfortunately, it is laggy on iOS Safari. Upon investigation, I discovered that the lag only occurs when the Safari menu bar toggles its position up or down. However, when I disable the menu bar on my phone, the animation performs well. How can I fix this problem, thanks for your help!
  4. Hi Jack, you're my hero,this problem bother me about three days...., and now this been solved cause your solution ! I wondering that I can ask a question about svg transform-origin , you can see the codepen I poseted , I use the code below , but the rect still expend from left side , how can I fix that, Sincerely appreciate your help , have a nice day! gsap.set("#clipPath1 rect", { transformOrigin: "center center", })
  5. This works perfectly except on Safari. What happened here? Thank you. P.S. The issue on safari is laggy and the animation stopped ?
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