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Everything posted by KhaledOghli

  1. Yeah, I think there is a bug in Vue Route with Transition Leave or some state. I just found a workaround to use onBeforeLeave. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-ojthhx?file=helpers%2FtransitionConfig.js I hope the Vue Team Solve this.
  2. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-bthjlg?file=README.md Bug: When I changed the URL quickly in the navigation header ( click many times fast ) I checked the reach Next.js version, and there is no bug.
  3. Oh, Thank you so much for the explanation and help. its work.
  4. somthing like this ! https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-gz2tkz?file=README.md if anyone figure out what the problem is ?
  5. Thanks , the main problem from the #smooth-content when i put height like 4000px it's work but when i put 100% it's not so how can i do it !? ofcourse all my content not absolute .
  6. Every thing work well but i have only one issue . the issue with NuxtLayout. <div id="smoother-wrapper" ref="smoother__wrapper"> <div id="smoother-content" ref="smoother__content"> <div class="app_container"> <NuxtLayout> <NuxtPage :transition="{ name: 'my', mode: 'out-in', onBeforeEnter }" /> </NuxtLayout> </div> </div> </div> ,when i put without nuxtlayout it's work . <div id="smoother-wrapper" ref="smoother__wrapper"> <div id="smoother-content" ref="smoother__content"> <div class="app_container"> <NuxtPage :transition="{ name: 'my', mode: 'out-in', onBeforeEnter }" /> </div> </div> </div> so how should we make it in top of NuxtLayout !
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