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  1. Ah! Understood, thank you! Yeah, it still turns out I need to draw every line. Okay, while I have time, I'll practice svg drawing.? Thanks!
  2. While I have a break between projects, I wanted to figure out how to work DrawSVG. I took a ready-made animation of the logo and based on it to implement animation only using gsap. But I ran into two problems... 1) When I try to take the DrawSVGPlugin connection from the examples... CodePen requires Upgrade to Pro 2) I found a suitable example... but there is also an upgrade required to see the work of the example... What to do? Is there any way to connect js in another way? An example that seems to suit me, I found here https://codepen.io/cassie-codes/pen/zgZxqP/85df19ba523672229f92e5aa4ac675af I also attach an example of animation And here is my attempt to make my own project
  3. document.querySelectorAll(".black-block").forEach((item) => { item.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () { gsap.to(".ball", { toggleClass: '.class-ball', backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }); }); item.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () { gsap.to(".ball", { backgroundColor: '#DE002B' }); }); }); For some reason, toggleClass is not added
  4. And how to turn to the mix-blend-mode style? For example, there is a backgroundColor for the background. Or is it easier to add a class when the cursor hits the black-block block?
  5. I didn't think it was possible to use add event listeners in this way! Thank you very much ^___^
  6. Good afternoon. Please tell me, is there a function that will allow you to change styles or add a class to the ball block that follows the cursor. For example, if the cursor hit a block with the btn class, dissolve the cursor by the size of the button block, or when hovering over blocks with the info-img and black-block class, the color changed (or added its own class to the ball).
  7. Oooo ?... It works, but only when closing all the blocks except the initial one, for some reason I did not recalculate.?
  8. As I understand it, the end does not count further, it turns out ... You can make the end up to btn-count-rates
  9. I corrected the layout and added a version of the code, but it turned out that the scrolling of the block does not go to the end. It turns out that not all the blocks are open at once, they open one by one, and when I scroll and open blocks 2-3, the opening of the block slows down and does not scroll further... https://codepen.io/eglit_m/pen/NWewrad
  10. I'm sorry, it can be seen when I moved and removed a lot of text, I accidentally deleted the closing tag >__<, and then also duplicated with this error T___T
  11. Good afternoon! I wanted to make the block with the table-rates-head class in the "table" scroll within the parent with the table-rates-options class. But I managed to make the scroll work on the machine, I can't figure out how to make a trigger for the block with scrolling down and up, and not how it turned out on the machine scrolls to the end. It turns out that I need to make position sticky using gsap, I can't do it purely with styles, due to the fact that there must be overflow hidden...
  12. aaa... that's the thing. There is no way to do without movement at all?
  13. The first message is essentially my CodePen, but I can refer to it again ? In general, they asked to leave the text on the curve (Master Line), but so that it does not move... https://codepen.io/eglit_m/pen/QWVMopv
  14. Good afternoon! And tell me how to stop the animation and make the text just be on the Master Line? I add this piece of code, but the text keeps moving onComplete: (w) => { animation.stop(); }
  15. Thanks for the answer I will deal with js Leaflet then
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