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  1. Orhiiy

    Transform Image

    Hey Cassie, I've got another question. Do you know, how I can slow down the horizontal scroll and make the image resizing(animation) faster? I already tried to change the scrollTrigger end by multiplying with 6: end: () => "+=" + 6 * component2.current.offsetWidth, The whole animation got slow down but this way the image resizing is too slow. Thanks in advance!
  2. Orhiiy

    Transform Image

    Thank you so much, this works perfect.
  3. Orhiiy

    Transform Image

    Hi Cassie, The normal behavior is when I reload the page the image resizes smoothly from size of 1 to the size of 0.5 as you scroll. But when I resize the window/browser the image doesn't resize smoothly and the start/end of ScrollTrigger isn't at the same position. Thanks!
  4. Orhiiy

    Transform Image

    Hey Guys! The animation (resizing the image) works well after the horizontal scroll. But when I resize the browser (while the image is transforming/resizing) the animation breaks. Here is a demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-image-transform-foxhkl?file=/src/App.js Thanks in advance.
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