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Posts posted by Aimack

  1. I am a beginner using GSAP and JS, so would appreciate some guidance. I believe that rewriting blocks of code is generally regarded as a bad practice. Can you please go through the text animation and image animation that I've wrote and tell me how I can optimize this?

    Also, if you have any solution to the scrolltrigger positioning rather than hardcoding a % in as the start and end, let me know.

    I appreciate your help, thank you.


    Here is the codesandbox url.
    LINK: https://codesandbox.io/s/kind-tdd-7q8f5v?file=/index.html


  2. I am a js newbie and I understand that t is the target and e is the event property of the method gsap.to. 

    Not sure what the property r is here. 

    Also, I was trying to see the actual code for gsap.to method but couldn't find it. How do I get that? Just trying to understand how it works under the hood.

    Screenshot 2023-01-14 082418.jpg

  3. Thank you for helping, in advance.

    I've two questions.


    1. The animation is starting even before I am using anim.play(). I suppose that this is because the anim.to is getting initiated before itself. But I can't solve this issue.


    2. The animation is not smooth at all even after adding easing. When I am zooming in the browser, it is smoother but when at 100% zoom level, it is stuttering.

    See the Pen RwJERjP by Aimack (@Aimack) on CodePen

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