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Everything posted by Shumais

  1. Hi @mvaneijgen, I am developing a website for a client and there is a section where i want to open the accordion on scroll with the initial one open. Here is the link for the codepen. https://codepen.io/rrichie551/pen/oNyJGxo I'm using scrolltrigger for the functionality, but can't wrap my head around on how ill trigger 'active' class on scroll using scrolltrigger. Thank You in Advance!!
  2. Hey, I'm trying to create an accordion similar to this one. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ExLWYVL I want the first row to be open initially and the rest of the rows open as the user starts scrolling, i was thinking of triggering active classes, but don't seem to find a method to do that. Thank You in advance!
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