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Everything posted by Buzzafett

  1. Need help with this please, nearly there but I am getting an error. Using a function to add sign_mc1 to sign_mc10 from the library into a container. I am also sure there's another way to write the code. function stoppedF():void { var i:Number; if (wheel_mc.segment_01.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 1); output_txt.text = "Hit 01"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_02.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 2); output_txt.text = "Hit 02"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_03.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 3); output_txt.text = "Hit 03"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_04.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 4); output_txt.text = "Hit 04"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_05.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 5); output_txt.text = "Hit 05"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_06.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 6); output_txt.text = "Hit 06"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_07.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 7); output_txt.text = "Hit 07"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_08.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 8); output_txt.text = "Hit 08"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_09.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 9); output_txt.text = "Hit 09"; } else if (wheel_mc.segment_10.hitTestPoint(hitObject.x,hitObject.y,true)) { zoomSign(i = 10); output_txt.text = "Hit 10"; } else { output_txt.text = "Wrong"; } } function zoomSign(i:Number):void { var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax; var container:Sprite = new Sprite (); this.addChild(container); var sign_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip; var si:sign_mc = sign_mc[""+ i]; container.addChild(si); trace("Loop No. " + i); // Container Start Position container.x = 120; container.y = 120; // Container Start Rotation container.rotation = 0; myTimeline.append(TweenMax.to(container, 1, {x:120, y:120,rotation:0,alpha:1, scaleX:2, scaleY:2, onComplete:completeF,ease:Bounce.easeOut})); myTimeline.append(TweenMax.to(container, 1, {alpha:0}), 1); } function completeF():void { trace("Do Something"); }
  2. Thanks, but how would I load a movie clip symbol from an assets.swf file into main.fla via XML?
  3. Can LoaderMax import specific SWF movie clip symbols into an FLA via xml? ie. the SWF has symbol1, symbol2, symbol 3, the XML file loads symbol2 into the fla.
  4. Had a look on the Adobe site from your link, but how would this be written in regards to my code, bringing the current movie clip to the front in a given sequence ie. 1,2,3,3,4 instead of 1,2,3,4,5 etc?
  5. Close to what I'm looking for, but how would I bring the clip forward in a specific order, with an array? var orderArray:Array = new Array(1,2,3,3,4);
  6. Obviously addChild(mc1); works on a single clip, but how would I bring the current movie clip in the sequence to the front? Thanks. Here's my code. var mcArray:Array = new Array(mc1,mc2,mc3,mc4,mc5); var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:1}); timeline.insertMultiple (TweenMax.allTo(mcArray, 2, {bezierThrough:[{z:0}, {z:-200}, {z:0}], orientToBezier:false, ease:Linear.easeNone}, 1));
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