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Ernesto Ianuario

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Everything posted by Ernesto Ianuario

  1. It does indeed make sense, tbh, I don't even remember why I was using the 50/50 in the first place, and actually the FOUC wasn't even an issue since I am triggering that animation with scrollTrigger ? If you check my demo now it is quite simplified and it's just what I needed ? Many thanks again! Ernesto
  2. Nevermind, I just found out the issue, I was starting with the wrong percentage on the drawSVG
  3. Hi PointC and thanks for the quick answer I tried to had the visibility: hidden; to the class I am using to animate svg paths, circles and lines. I have wrapped my animation with an init() function as per the example and trigger it on window load event, but it doesn't seem to work? I still can see that flickering on the line inner elements ? I have updated the demo, any thoughts? Cheers, Ernesto
  4. Hello everyone, I am experiencing a small issue with an svg I am trying to animate. Basically before the animation starts, inner lines are showing for a sec, although, this doesn't happen with circles or paths. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your help! Ernesto
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