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  1. Ahhh ok - bloody obvious as always - thanks for helping me out - much appreciated ?
  2. Ah ok that's nice, but how would I remove the hover eventListeners on click? item.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => hover.play()); item.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => hover.reverse()); I thought the hover would have to be it's own function to be able to do that right?
  3. Here you go https://codepen.io/samyh-the-encoder/pen/OJEXvvp
  4. Hey, Hopefully a simple one for someone who's been using gsap more than a day I'm just trying to cut down on the number of gsap.to animations I'm calling, but I'm unable to get any animation happening when passing evt.currentTarget as it's always null - I also tried evt.target & event.target.id to no avail document.getElementById("menuitem0").addEventListener("mouseenter", hoverIn); function hoverIn(evt) { console.log(evt); gsap.to(evt.currentTarget, { scale: 1.5, color: "white", duration: 0.3, paused: true, ease: "power2.inOut" }); } I saw you can do something like this let hover1 = gsap.to(menuitem1, { scale: 1.5, color: "white", duration: 0.3, paused: true, ease: "power2.inOut" }); document.getElementById("menuitem1").addEventListener("mouseenter", () => hover1.play()); document.getElementById("menuitem1").addEventListener("mouseleave", () => hover1.reverse()); but need to removeEventListener, so needed to break the function out Any help is much appreciated
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