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Guillaume Ducuing

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  1. Hello, thank you for your answers. Indeed I should have cleaned the css before posting... I finally found the solution, I had left a mixin in my globals scss which was preventing it from working properly: @mixin containerInit($containerName: section, $containerType: inline-size) { container-type: #{$containerType}; container-name: #{$containerName}; } section, header, footer { &:not(.customContainer) { @include containerInit(); } } Thank you for all your advice and also for the Stackblitz starter templates, next time I will use them !
  2. Hello! I have an issue with ScrollTrigger; I want to pin the container on scroll to start with (then I will animate some elements). I have done this in several projects with the same code (same imports and same structure), but in this particular project, it doesn't work. In fact, the container just "jumps" instead of following the scroll. Do you see anything in the provided code that could help me? Thanks! (I wasn't able to get the CodePen preview to work, but here is the link for the CSS + JSX, and I'll also include a video to show the current result.) "dependencies": { "@gsap/react": "^2.1.1", "gsap": "^3.12.5", "next": "^13.5.6", "react": "18.2.0", }, ScrollTrigger.mp4
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