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  1. I have this logo that currently spins as you scroll, which is what I want. But I also need the path fill color to animate to a grey color as you scroll down the page. But not instantly switch to a new color once you scroll. So like if I scroll down a little bit and stop it should be a color between the yellow and the grey color, but not quite the full grey yet until I keep scrolling. Does that make sense? This example shows the color change animations as you scroll : https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/KKzJqyJ/ff7dabf8f0946c406bdc61487b4f3f04 But I tried using a similar method with no luck. Any help here is appreciated. Thanks Below is my current code attempt:
  2. Does anyone know how this sort of animation would be possible? - https://imgur.com/a/f8ljpdV I'm not really sure how to approach it.. any advice appreciated!
  3. I've created a horizontal slider but I need to remove the white space from underneath the gallery. I wont to sort of lock onto the gallery in the middle of the screen, force the user the scroll to the end of the gallery before moving on. Current there's way too much white space and I don't know how to remove it. Can anyone give me a hand?
  4. Hi guys, I'm still learning GSAP! Trying to create a similar animation to this - https://imgur.com/hYAgkHb Basically I'm trying to animate each word in, but keep the new word in the middle of the window and sort of push the previous word back and then the entire thing will just fade out. The example doesn't demonstrate the keeping each word in the middle part that I'm after, not sure if possible with GSAP? Not sure where to start... I've spent some time trying to find any examples of someone doing something similar here on GreenSock but haven't had any luck. Any help is appreciated! Cheers Edit: I've added a codepen to show what I have so far. I've added some CSS to sort of center the text to the last word, a little dodge.. not sure if this is the best way to do it. I have it adding each word in the timeline with the display property. I now need to highlight the current word. So when a word is added I want that word to be white (opacity 1) and the other words grey (opacity 0.5), not sure how to do that though Edit2: I've made some more changes to the code pen. Still not sure how to correctly keep the last word centered, if anyone can help?
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