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  1. Hi This is the first time I've used Greensock, from what I've seen I'm really impressed. I've got my banner ad working but its not moving and there are issues with opacity on my mc's in IE 6 & 7 - could anyone please help? Here's my code, I understand there is probably a better way of doing it but I'm still learning Thanks! import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; var myTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); TweenLite.to(flash, 1, {_x:150, _y:100, ease:Back.easeOut}); TweenLite.to(logo, 1, {_x:150, _y:218, ease:Back.easeOut}); myTimeline.append(new TweenMax.to(flash, 2, {blurFilter:{blurX:500, blurY:500}, delay:2.0, ease:Back.easeInOut})); myTimeline.append(new TweenMax.to(logo, 2, {blurFilter:{blurX:500, blurY:500}, delay:2.0, ease:Back.easeInOut})); TweenLite.to(logo, 1, {_alpha:0, delay:3.5}); TweenLite.to(flash, 1, {_alpha:0, delay:3.5}); TweenLite.to(final, 0, {_alpha:0}); TweenLite.to(box1, 0, {_alpha:0}); TweenLite.to(box1, 1, {_alpha:100, delay:3}); TweenLite.to(box1, 1, {_x:110, _y:110, delay:4, _xscale:90, _yscale:90, alpha:1}); TweenLite.to(sentence, 1, {_x:148, _y:220, delay:4.5, scaleX:1.3, scaleY:1.3, alpha:1}); TweenLite.to(box2, 1, {_x:110, _y:110, delay:6, _xscale:80, _yscale:80}); TweenLite.to(box1, 1, {_x:450, _y:110, delay:6.5, _xscale:50, _yscale:50}); TweenLite.to(sentence, .5, {_alpha:0, delay:8}); TweenLite.to(sentence2, 1, {_x:148, _y:220, delay:9, scaleX:1.3, scaleY:1.3, alpha:1}); TweenLite.to(sentence2, .5, {_alpha:0, delay:11.5}); TweenLite.to(box2, 1, {_x:110, _y:135, delay:12, _xscale:100, _yscale:100}); TweenLite.to(box2, .5, {_alpha:0, delay:14}); TweenLite.to(final, 1, {_alpha:100, delay:15}); TweenLite.to(final, .5, {_alpha:0, delay:17}); stop(); var nInterval = setInterval(Play, 18000); function Play() { clearInterval(nInterval); gotoAndPlay(1); }
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