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Karsh Hagan

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Posts posted by Karsh Hagan

  1. Hello, I am trying to get the gsap business plugins installed into a PNPM project. I followed the private registry instructions and can use the plugins locally, however, when I make a commit to github the commit fails (see screenshot). If I remove the .npmrc file from the gitignore then I no longer get an error, but, I don't want the .npmrc file GitHub because it contains my api key. 

    Does anyone have any advice how to get around those errors while not including the .npmrc file?

    Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 3.09.15 PM.png

  2. @Prasanna Unfortunately "npm install" has to effect on those errors. The only solution that I have found thus far (not really a solution) is every time I make a push I first run "rm -rf node_modules pnpm-lock.yaml && pnpm install". This will get me a clean push to github but as soon I edit and re-build the code I need to repeat that process or it will throw an error. 


    As a note I am using PNPM and not NPM with this project*


    Additionally the "checksums" error occurs when installing gsap via the .tgz file (first screenshot), where as the "Package name mismatch" error occurs when istalling via private registry (second screenshot).



  3. @Rodrigo Thanks for the info, I just tried to install with private registry. Turned out I already had created a .npmrc file with my gsap credentials. This also did not work and threw an error in github. Attached a screenshot. 


    So far I have tired both strategies outlined in the video.


    First, I had gsap free installed before so I removed gsap completely then I installed the .tgz file directly with npm. I was able to use it locally and create my interactions with no errors but when I went to publish to github I received a commit error (previous screenshot). 


    Next, I removed gsap completely again and tried the private registry route. I opened the npmrc file with vim and my credentials were in there (I remember setting this up when I first started) then ran "npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/business". Again I can still use locally but when I make commit I got an error (this screenshot). 


    I have tired both steps on both my working project and a completely new project and the same errors persist.


    As a note I am using github and jsdelivr to connect my code to my website. Not sure if that classifies as a pipeline but when I publish a new version to github I can then update my site with the new version.

    Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 2.56.14 PM.png

  4. @GreenSockI just tried the installation on a fresh project and still gets that error so i'm not sure whats happening here. I see the paid plugins in the gsap folder within node-modules, do these file reference the .tgz file? 


    Since the .tgz files cannot be uploaded to github how does the website know where to find them?

  5. Hello,


    I am trying to push a commit to github which contains use of some GSAP paid plugins and am getting an error on GH that says it cannot locate the .tgz file. Has any encountered this or have solutions to get a clean commit?


    FYI: I have included the .tgz file in the gitnore as per the license agreement.

    Screenshot 2022-11-18 at 11.53.23 AM.png

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