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Everything posted by Akamiaxx

  1. @GreenSock No I don't want to move it outside ouf the wrapper. Indeed by moving it outside it fixes the problem, but I thought there was a solution to with the pin property {mentioned in the documentation) to have the element at the same position while scrolling.
  2. Hello GSAP Community, I am trying out ScrollSmoother with ScrollTrigger and I would like to have my title to be "pinned" at the center of the page while scrolling, from to to bottom. The problem is that I get a weird spacing below my page content, when I am using the pin option with ScrollTrigger. Tried to set the pinSpacing to false but I still get an extra plus spacing. Here are screenshots of what I get (first) and what I am expecting (second) : You can also find the demo on codesandbox here : https://codesandbox.io/s/bold-shadow-in3nnw Thank you!
  3. @akapowl Thank you! self.scrollTop()was exactly what I was looking for. I didnt understand that from the documentation.
  4. Sorry I can't create one right now, but I am trying to get the scroll position in pixels from scrollsmoother. Do you have any idea of how I can get that ? Since scrollsmoother doesnt provide that I was thinking about : scrollsmoother.progress * window.scrollY. Any thoughts ?
  5. Hello, I have a project with htlm images and I am creating a threejs plane per image and I am placing them using the img's getBoundingClientRect(). This part is working fine but the problem is when I try to have the scrollsmoother on both my html page and my threejs scene, in sync with ScrollSmoother. By offseting the position of my elements by the window.scrollY this is working fine but obvioulsy I dont get the smoothness from ScrollSmoother, and when I am trying to do scrollsmoother.progress * window.scrollY I am expecting to have to correct position but this is not working. This is how I am calculating the position of my mesh. This is my ScrollSmoother instance Here is a preview with an offset with window.scrollY & another with window.scrollY * scrollsmoother.progress. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17n9zVM2ROEEFZxx_-1r67aqoory8sdTm?usp=sharing Thank you!
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