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Everything posted by dodoynet

  1. I've modified the native smoothscroll function playing with pushstate, popstate and localstorage the result is that the scroll position is maintained on every browser I tested d function smoothScroll(content, viewport, smoothness) { content = gsap.utils.toArray(content)[0]; smoothness = smoothness || 1.4; gsap.set(viewport || content.parentNode, {overflow: "hidden", position: "fixed", height: "100%", width: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0}); gsap.set(content, {overflow: "visible", width: "100%"}); function pushHistory(e){ e = e || window.event; var target; target = e.target || e.srcElement; history.pushState({scrollTop:document.body.scrollTop},document.title,document.location.pathname); } if (document.body.addEventListener) { document.body.addEventListener('click',pushHistory,false); } else { document.body.attachEvent('onclick',pushHistory); } window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { var scrolltop = localStorage.getItem("scrolltop"); if (scrolltop != undefined && scrolltop > 0){ gsap.to(window, {duration: 0, scrollTo: {y: scrolltop, autoKill: true}}); } }); window.onpopstate = (event) => { var scrolltop = localStorage.getItem("scrolltop"); if (scrolltop != undefined && scrolltop > 0){ gsap.to(window, {duration: 0, scrollTo: {y: scrolltop, autoKill: true}}); } }; let getProp = gsap.getProperty(content), setProp = gsap.quickSetter(content, "y", "px"), setScroll = ScrollTrigger.getScrollFunc(window), removeScroll = () => content.style.overflow = "visible", killScrub = trigger => { let scrub = trigger.getTween ? trigger.getTween() : gsap.getTweensOf(trigger.animation)[0]; // getTween() was added in 3.6.2 scrub && scrub.pause(); trigger.animation.progress(trigger.progress); }, height, isProxyScrolling; function refreshHeight() { height = content.clientHeight; content.style.overflow = "visible" document.body.style.height = height + "px"; return height - document.documentElement.clientHeight; } ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", () => { removeScroll(); requestAnimationFrame(removeScroll); }) ScrollTrigger.defaults({scroller: content}); ScrollTrigger.prototype.update = p => p; // works around an issue in ScrollTrigger 3.6.1 and earlier (fixed in 3.6.2, so this line could be deleted if you're using 3.6.2 or later) ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy(content, { scrollTop(value) { if (arguments.length) { isProxyScrolling = true; // otherwise, if snapping was applied (or anything that attempted to SET the scroll proxy's scroll position), we'd set the scroll here which would then (on the next tick) update the content tween/ScrollTrigger which would try to smoothly animate to that new value, thus the scrub tween would impede the progress. So we use this flag to respond accordingly in the ScrollTrigger's onUpdate and effectively force the scrub to its end immediately. setProp(-value); setScroll(value); return; } return -getProp("y"); }, scrollHeight: () => document.body.scrollHeight, getBoundingClientRect() { return {top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight}; } }); return ScrollTrigger.create({ animation: gsap.fromTo(content, {y:0}, { y: () => document.documentElement.clientHeight - height, ease: "none", onUpdate: ScrollTrigger.update }), scroller: window, //invalidateOnRefresh: true, start: 0, end: refreshHeight, refreshPriority: -999, scrub: smoothness, onUpdate: self => { localStorage.setItem("scrolltop", self.scroll()); //save the value if (isProxyScrolling) { killScrub(self); isProxyScrolling = false; } }, onRefresh: killScrub // when the screen resizes, we just want the animation to immediately go to the appropriate spot rather than animating there, so basically kill the scrub. }); }
  2. oh I see rarely I've got the chance to work with a powerful (let's say the true: it's so cool!!) and versatile library like scrolltrigger it is a great pity not to be able to manage to back to previous page (and its scrolltop) I wish you could find the solution soon thanks a lot for your work! d
  3. no way.. I've tested https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/GRdOGOy with chrome (FAIL), Opera (FAIL), Firefox (FAIL) and Safari (SUCCESS) d
  4. Hi, Rodrigo! first of all thank you for your quick answer! here is a super simple demo: https://codepen.io/dodolone/pen/yLjPzRB you will note that clicking a link and then going back to the page the scolltop goes lost d
  5. Hi everybody! I've started working with Gsap and Scrolltrigger and I cannot manage to keep the scroll on previous page when I press the back button. even the (empty) code let tlf = gsap.timeline({scrollTrigger: {}}); makes the page jump to top when returning to it by pressing back button.. I noticed that even at https://greensock.com/scrolltrigger/ if you scroll to bottom, press for example "download" and then the back button the page is jumping to top I'm getting crazy but I cannot think this is a scrolltrigger bug! where do I mistake?? thanks a lot for any help in solving this drama d
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