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Everything posted by MishaA

  1. import React from "react"; import "./FollowImage.css" import gsap from "gsap"; import Image from "react-bootstrap/esm/Image"; function FollowImage (){ let FollowBox = "#Wrap .FollowBox"; gsap.set(FollowBox, { xPercent: 1, yPercent: 1, scale: 0 }); const MyDiv = document.getElementById('Wrap') function clamp(num, min, max) { return num <= min ? min : num >= max ? max : num } window.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { gsap.to(FollowBox, { duration: 0.5, overwrite: "auto", x: clamp(-100+e.clientX - e.target.offsetLeft,-50,150), y: clamp(-100+e.clientY- e.target.offsetTop,0,150), stagger: 0.15, ease: "none" }); }); return ( <div id="Wrap"> <Image id="FollowBox" className="FollowBox" src="1000x600(mykhaylo).png" alt="" /> <Image className="FollowBox" src="1000x600(music).png" alt="" /> </div> ) } export default FollowImage; This is my current code, so far I failed to translate it for codepen.
  2. How to make it that this Image interaction only stays within one <div></div> and as soon as the mouse cursor leaves that div, the images go back to their original centered position?
  3. Hi guys! How could you reset this interaction to the default position after the "mousemove" left the interactive <div><div/> section?
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