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Everything posted by darngooddesign

  1. As for why Flash is a vector program. Flash started back when all you had was slooooooooowwwww dialup as a way to delivering animations which had extremely low load times. It was either Flash, Animated GIFs or limited HTML trickery. Any decent bitmap animation would be huge, when compared to a 28.8/56k modems. Originally what you could do with Flash was very limited so it really wasn't processor intensive in the way we think of that now. To put it in perspective, SWFs were originally a compression format.
  2. How would I delay the following commands with TweenLite's delay properties? arrowMC.gotoAndStop(15); arrowMC.gotoAndPlay(1);
  3. I think I found it, would it be y:"100" ?
  4. What is the attribute for tweening a MC 100 pixels, from its current location, to the right?
  5. Here it is: http://www.darngooddesign.com/stuph/pulloutTest.zip
  6. I know this is just down to the way the new software works, I do have the latest version, but what I used to do was. This just sets the initial state of the mc var initialSetup5:Array = [pullout] for (var e:uint = 0; e < initialSetup5.length; e++) { initialSetup5[e].scaleX = .25; initialSetup5[e].scaleY = .25; initialSetup5[e].alpha = 0; initialSetup5[e].visible = false; This does a nice bounce scale up of the mc btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtn); function onBtn(evt:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(pullout, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, alpha:1, ease:Back.easeOut}); } The close button inside "pullout" scales and hides it. closeBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCloseBox); function onCloseBox(evt:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(MovieClip(this), .25, {scaleX:0, scaleY:0, alpha:0}); } The next time I click on the button the scale tweening doesn't display. It waits the 1 second and just jumps to the final state of the tween. This happens to other kinds of tweening, not just scale. So to reiterate, the tweening works the first time only. I was always able to use alpha:0 + visible:false or alpha:1 + visible:true together to control my mcs in the past.
  7. Thanks, what's the syntax for align Sequence? I'm having a hell of a time locating usage examples of setting the different align methods. The documentation has nothing for it that I could find.
  8. The manual way would be three separate Tweens with different "delay:" settings, or you can use TimelineMax. This is the regular TweenLite/TweenMax way Tween ({delay:.1}) Tween ({delay:1.1}) Tween ({delay:2.1})
  9. I tried that already and kept getting 1048:Method can't be used as a constructor errors. new TweenMax.allTo([clock0A, clock4B], .25, {alpha:1, visible:true}),
  10. I'm trying it with TimelineMax. First tween hides all the digits and the rest should toggle them for .1 and leaves them visible for .5 before toggle them off again (.1 sec).. var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); myTimeline.insertMultiple([ new TweenMax([clock0A, clock1A, clock2A, clock3A, clock4A, clock5A, clock6A, clock7A, clock8A, clock9A, clock0B, clock1B, clock2B, clock3B, clock4B, clock5B, clock6B, clock7B, clock8B, clock9B, clock0C, clock1C, clock2C, clock3C, clock4C, clock5C, clock6C, clock7C, clock8C, clock9C, clock0D, clock1D, clock2D, clock3D, clock4D, clock5D, clock6D, clock7D, clock8D, clock9D], 0, {alpha:0, visible:false}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock9B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock1A, clock0B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock1A, clock1B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock1A, clock2B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock1B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock2B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock3B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock4B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock5B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock6B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock7B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock8B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock0A, clock9B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true}), new TweenMax([clock1A, clock0B], .1, {alpha:1, visible:true})], .1, TweenAlign.SEQUENCE, .5);
  11. I'm using the most recent version of AS3 TimelinMax. The counter pause is in Exhibit 5. Currently, when you click the pause button the red square still Tweens away after five seconds. I tried setting GlobalTimeScale=0, which worked for the play/pause btw, but then none of the Tweens in Exhibit 1, for example, worked. Also, in the tabs layer I was Tweening the tint, but that no longer works. I commented out those Tweens, but what replaces them? http://www.darngooddesign.com/PauseTest.zip
  12. TweenLite.to(TweenMax, 0, {globalTimeScale:?}); How would I apply something like that within a specific MC? That way i can just set the timescale to 0 which pauses everything, including the elapsed time, and still lets my Tweens in the other tabs function as normal.
  13. I tried that, but none of my group.tweens start.
  14. TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@13f4b81 to Array. at 10518_10_SalesMap_5Tabs_091609_fla::exhibit5_4/onCounterBtn() What kind of thing can do that? Will tweening buttons in the group do it? I think they were casing an issue so I commented them out ad got the above error. The only complex code I have in these tweens are a couple of renderImmediately:false. The number2, numbers3 are static MCs that are being tweened. They were in brackets earlier because I was trying a different angle.
  15. I wasn't expecting you to come up with that algorithm however I am having an issue with the code you suggested. var group:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); onCounterBtn{ group.appendMultiple([ TweenMax.allTo([counterMC6.numbers2], 50, {y:-600, repeat:1, delay:4, ease:Linear.easeNone}), TweenMax.allTo([counterMC6.numbers3], 5.1, {y:-600, repeat:20, delay:2, ease:Linear.easeNone}) ]); } onPauseBtn{ group.stop(); } onPlayBtn{ group.play() } The play pause buttons don't work and I'm getting this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insert() at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insertMultiple() at com.greensock::TimelineLite/appendMultiple() at 10518_10_SalesMap_5Tabs_091609_fla::exhibit5_4/onCounterBtn() I understand your deadline, so just post when you have time. Cheers Larry PS. Using the TweenMax.pauseAll(); and TweenMax.resumeAll(); the issue I was having was that while it didn't stop the elapsed time. by that I mean: Lets say I paused at 1:00 and resumed at 1:30, when I would press resume the tweens would continue from 1:30. This presents a problem as I'm using a lot of delay's, and I needed to be able to pause the timer so it doesn't matter how long leave it paused, it will resume exactly where I left off. Hope that makes sense.
  16. yes. but a relative y position. They would snap to the closest increment of 60.
  17. Another question then... The numbers4 MC contains numbers stacked on top of each other and the tween moves them up in front of a box: 0 1 2 3 4 5 etc When the animation runs its fine, but when paused I would like the mc to snap to increments of 60 so the numbers are centered. Is this going to be hugely complex?
  18. Never mind, I just figured it out: TweenMax.pauseAll(); TweenMax.resumeAll(); Do exactly what I want.
  19. I'm looping a MC TweenMax.allTo([counterMC6.numbers4], 1, {y:-600, repeat:140, delay:1.5, ease:Linear.easeNone} ); I have another button that pauses it. TweenMax.allTo([counterMC6.numbers4], 0, {paused:true, overwrite:true} ); How would I resume the repeating animation? Do I have to nest it in another Tween and pause/resume that Tween? I don't want to loose the number of times it has already repeated.
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