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Everything posted by ___wtem___

  1. Thanks for your input guys! Maybe avoiding cdn failure and not the entire js failure is enough – I really like the idea of checking the window.gsap
  2. Hello forum folks I use gsap's autoAlpha to avoid the flash of unstyled content, mostly on page load, but to truly earn the Good Boy™ badge I would like to make my pages visible even if js won't load. I know that some people are adding a class to the body with javascript in the head and use this class to attach css for js version of the page. I imagine that I could do in this scenario something like .js {visibility: hidden;} I have an intuition that may not always work for preventing fouc. I couldn't find much on the topic, especially from recent years, so I wonder if that's a good way to do this, or are there other approaches?
  3. Hello gsap community! I just had a very similar issue, also in webflow, and im also a 100% gsap newbie. I had a jump of a tweened div at the start and the beginning. What helped me was changing the div's parent display from block to flex.
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