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Everything posted by Mando

  1. I'll send a video: https://mega.nz/file/Gg9xSaID#GDat5mFfiWJfnVpFZK-4b4faEl3yZTOWJrLsrdPmmOM
  2. did you test it on mobile or in dev. console?, it only happens on mobile devices
  3. thamkyou for responding, I had a past deployment online, now I re-deployed and the problem should manifest, I don't want the page to scroll back at the top, mabye this has something to do with the position attribute of the elements?
  4. hi guys I made this simple animation in my portfolio. but at the end of the animatio it scrolls back to the top of the page and I can't solve this problem, I'll leave the codeine below i also noticed that the problem manifest itself when I deploy the site with Firebase so I'll leave the link. here: https://portfolio-54954.web.app also the repo on github: https://github.com/Arm0ny?tab=repositories please help?
  5. hi, thankyou for responding! i didn't actually know that ?, and what about the scrollTrigger instances that i'm creating into the forEach? do they impact on the performance? and is there a way not to create one of it for each card?
  6. hi guys i created this little cards animation using GSAP ScrollTrigger plugin but i noticed some lag on less powerfull devices, is there a way to optimize my code? i'm a bit new to GSAP? i'll leave the codepen below it's not scaling the way it does on the browser but trust me it does?
  7. hi guys I'm trying to animate some cards in my project, the cards are within a scrollable element, in a few fords I want the card that is in the center of the viewport to fade out and the rest to remain at their current state, but whenever I scroll they fade out all at once, any help? I'll leave the code here function isVisible (ele) { const { top, bottom } = ele.getBoundingClientRect(); const vHeight = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); return ( (top > 0 || bottom > 0) && top < vHeight ); } projectWrapper.addEventListener('scroll', () => { [...projectCards].forEach((card, i) => { if (isVisible(card)){ gsap.to(`.project:nth-child(${i})`,{opacity: 0, duration: 2}) } }) })
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