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Everything posted by RadleyYeldar

  1. Hi! thanks for the prompt responses. I can confirm that with v 3.11.2 works perfectly keeping the same position when running ScrollTrigger.refresh()! Is it possible to get the non minified version of gsap 3.11.2 please? thanks!
  2. Hi, I'm using gsap scrollsmoother with the speed effects on few images in a Vue 3 app. I need to run ScrollTrigger.refresh() when all the images are loaded to recalculate the position but this is causing a scroll to the top. I created a codesandbox and I've added a 5s setTimout fn to show the issue with ScrollTrigger.refresh(). Is there anything we can do to prevent the scroll to top? Many thanks! https://codesandbox.io/s/epic-cloud-fx7vro?file=/src/main.js:286-300
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