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Everything posted by momo12

  1. Ok. I will tell him to add my account there. But the question was how to share the code with you as it's a member-only code!!
  2. Hi, Me and my friend are working on a website. He bought the license and share the Scroll Smoother with me. The js is not working ... What should I do? Is it possible someone helps? Did he miss a file and I need to tell him? The reason is I don't want to break the rules here and share the premium plugins here. Is that possible someone send me a message to investigate this further? Or is a special panel for Greensock members so he can ask there? He left this part to me!
  3. Hi guys, Is there a way to make the default state of our elements not visible on reload? As you can see, the text appears for a few seconds without the animation on reload. Then, the animation starts.
  4. Like the below picture. Is there an easier way to resize elements from one edge? The left rectangle will get scaled down from top edge and the right, from the bottom edge.
  5. Guys. I have a question. Is it possible to tell GSAP to resize elements from one edge? I know GSAP is not After Effects but was wondering :)) Like change the Scale Y of an element from the top edge and vice versa. Normally with CSS, you must play with the top and bottom values to do such a thing.
  6. No the latest version. I still don't know what caused that ... Scrolltrigger.mathmedia doesn't work but GSAP.mathmedia works. :)) Even if the function which only needs to run on Desktop is a scroll trigger GSAP version: 3.11.00 / ScrollTrigger: 3.11
  7. Fixed. I used Gsap.MathMedia and works well! :))
  8. Hello again guys This is the codepen: https://codepen.io/talewoy290/pen/yLjKmja It runs well but doesn't work in my project! I'm using Locomotive Scroll. Do you think it can cause the problem? ScrollTrigger.matchMedia doesn't work Locomotive? @Rodrigo Could you please have a look? Thanks in advance!
  9. Guys I have a question. I have this code but it's not working with Scrolltrigger.matchmedia I mean when I remove the mathMedia everything works fine but with this nothing works fine! I use Locomotive Scroll BTW! gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); ScrollTrigger.matchMedia({ "(min-width: 800px)": function() { const imgwr = document.querySelector(".small-image-wr") gsap.utils.toArray(".small-image-wr").forEach((imgwr, i) => { imgwr.img = imgwr.querySelector(".img-4"); gsap.from(imgwr.img, { yPercent: 10, }); gsap.to(imgwr.img, { yPercent: -10, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: imgwr, scroller: ".sections-wr", scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true } }); }); }, "(min-width: 800px)": function() { const projectimg = document.querySelector(".project-image") gsap.utils.toArray(".project-image").forEach((projectimg, i) => { projectimg.img = projectimg.querySelector(".img-5"); gsap.from(projectimg.img, { yPercent: 10, }); gsap.to(projectimg.img, { yPercent: -10, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: projectimg, scroller: ".sections-wr", scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true } }); }); } });
  10. Solved! I found the solution .. Thanks to what rodrigo posted here
  11. Thanks, I'm getting confused now!! :)) I used Locomotive and GSAP for something ... Now can't change the smooth scroll library. I made some changes to the Codepen. Could you please have a look? It's not running ... Thanks a lot! https://codepen.io/talewoy290/pen/yLjKmja?editors=1010
  12. I mean something like this https://tympanus.net/codrops/2022/08/03/large-image-to-content-page-transition/ I think that's different from what you have showed me ... Isn't it? @Rodrigo The first few seconds show a smooth effect of how the background position changes
  13. Guys I have a question. on the demo website of Locomotive https://locomotivemtl.github.io/locomotive-scroll/ You can see the background image is moving a bit while we scroll up or down (Parallex Effect) I have no idea what should I do. Any suggestion or example would be appreciated!
  14. Hi guys, 1- I have a question. How I can animate the display property of the floating wrapper using GSAP Flip? It changes without any effect and not interesting. I tried GSAP.From and To but still get the same result. 2- Also, am I doing something wrong regarding hiding the Floating wrapper? I want the previous animation I got without animating the Display property of the Floating wrapper be visible. Right now, the image moves from one parent to another parent without animation becasue of animating the Displat attribute of the Floating Wrapper. I did something but honestly, found the documentation of GSAP Flip a bit hard! Thanks
  15. Thank you guys @GreenSock @Rodrigo Wish I was asking for a Ferrari! Maybe, you know the cheat code to get one ???
  16. Guys, I have this code. How can I revert the animation to its original state on LeaveBack?
  17. Thanks a lot for your answers! I now understand better how it works. Thank you again!
  18. Guys I have some questions. -When do we need to use Gsap.set and when we need to use From? Aren't they the same? - I saw somewhere on Codepen... Someone used a duration for Gsap.to (SrcollTrigger). What does the duration do? Isn't it supposed to work based on the scroll percentage? So, how does the Duration work with ScrollTrigger? - When we have a GSAP.To and want to play some elements on scroll --> What's the best way to add delay between them? they don't have the same class name and stagger is not a solution here. I'm adding a few pixels to the start point but do you have a better solution?
  19. Thanks man. I got confused yesterday. With your example I understand this better! Thanks a lot
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