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Gurkaran Chhabra

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  1. That's weird. Anyways, how would you write this CSS in GSAP? Asking because I'm confused as to how to convert pseudo elements, keyframes, webkit and properties like '-webkit-animation-timing-function' into animations in GSAP. Of course, GSAP is preferred if I can achieve this.
  2. PS: It is very apparent on a hard refresh of the codepen. (Especially apparent on Firefox).
  3. Hi, everyone. Issue I'm having is that this CSS animation stops mid-way and then reloads ONLY on pinned container, making it play 2 times. It only plays 1 time and works as expected when I remove the pin. Please hard-refresh the codepen to see the issue for yourself (works best on hard-refresh on Firefox). Wondering if there is any way to bypass this and actually make it work 1 time (as expected). Any help greatly appreciated.
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