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Everything posted by Gxneral

  1. Oh I figured it out. Idk how did I miss the .progress in the docs this is what I was looking for ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".trigger", start: "top bottom", end: "bottom top", onUpdate: self => console.log("progress:", self.progress) });
  2. I am building a website using React and I need to trigger an animation in a component that will affect the state of another component. I want to set scrub: true, start: "top bottom", end: "bottom top", The problem is I want to get the value of how far into the animation am I in. I want to log a value from 0% at the start to 100% at the end and transfer this value to another component. How do I get this value?
  3. I am trying to create a component that I wrap my other components with to fade in when I scroll to them and fade out when I scroll passed them. I think the problem arises when I put 2 animations on the same component. I just don't know how to fix it. I think the problem is that I am using from() and to() and they take the CURRENT value of the div which might be opacity: 0 and thus it remains invisible or sometimes it becomes opacity:0.2. What would be a better approach to this?
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