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John Forex

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  1. Hi! Thanks for your reply! No worries, that example works perfectly for me. I was looking for an easier set up anyways and will rebuild mine. Thanks again and have a nice one! John
  2. Dear GS-Team, I'm a huge fan of your work, thank you so much! Currently I'm stuck on a small task and I'm wondering if you could help: Please find attached the link to the codepen link. A horizontal scrolling scene with just one animation to keep things simple. Now I tried to add drag-drop support to the scene by adding a fullpage draggable layer above the scene. I works as excepted (although I guess it could be saved in a way easier way) you're not able to interact with the website (links etc..). Also the scroll-position is currently not saved: If you scroll and drag the scene afterwards to position jumps. I had a look at the docs, but nothing seemed to work. What am I missing here? And: Is there maybe a simpler solution to get this setup (horizontal scrolling + drag support) done? Thanks in advance and keep up the great work! John
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