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Everything posted by Cessy

  1. I've implemented a horizontal scrolling feature using GSAP. However, when I click on a link in the nav, it does not link me to the exact location of each section. Here's the website I've made: https://southfield-center.webflow.io/ Here's the GSAP code I used: <script src="https://unpkg.co/gsap@3/dist/gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/gsap@3/dist/ScrollTrigger.min.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/gsap@3/dist/ScrollToPlugin.min.js"></script> <script> gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); function getScrollLookup(targets, { start, pinnedContainer, containerAnimation }) { let triggers = gsap.utils.toArray(targets).map((el) => ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: el, start: start || "top top", pinnedContainer: pinnedContainer, refreshPriority: -10, containerAnimation: containerAnimation, }) ); return (target) => { let t = gsap.utils.toArray(target)[0]; let i = triggers.length; while (i-- && triggers[i].trigger !== t) {} if (i < 0) { return console.warn("target not found", target); } return containerAnimation ? st.start + (triggers[i].start / containerAnimation.duration()) * (st.end - st.start) : triggers[i].start; }; } // Function to initialize the scroll animation function initScrollAnimation() { let sections = gsap.utils.toArray(".section"), navLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".gsap-code"), nav = document.querySelectorAll(".nav"), getMaxWidth = () => { let width = 0; sections.forEach((section) => { const rect = section.getBoundingClientRect(); width += rect.width; console.log(`Section ${section.id} width: ${rect.width}`); }); return width; }, maxWidth = getMaxWidth(), scrollSpeed = 16, snapProgress, lastScrollTween = Date.now(), curIndex = 0, tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.to(sections, { x: () => window.innerWidth - maxWidth, duration: 1, ease: "none", }); ScrollTrigger.create({ animation: tl, trigger: ".scrollable-div", pin: true, scrub: 1, invalidateOnRefresh: true, }); function init() { gsap.set(sections, { x: 0 }); maxWidth = getMaxWidth(); let position = 0, distance = maxWidth - window.innerWidth; tl.add("label0", 0); sections.forEach((section, i) => { let progress = position; const rect = section.getBoundingClientRect(); position += rect.width / distance; tl.add("label" + (i + 1), position); if (i < navLinks.length) { navLinks[i].onclick = () => { snapProgress = progress; lastScrollTween = Date.now(); curIndex = i; gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: maxWidth / scrollSpeed * progress, duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" }); }; } }); } init(); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refreshInit", init); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".section_about", start: "top top", onToggle: (self) => { if (self.isActive) { gsap.set(nav, { display: "flex" }); } else { gsap.set(nav, { display: "none" }); } }, }); let getPosition = getScrollLookup(".section", { start: "center center", containerAnimation: tl, }); navLinks.forEach((link) => { link.onclick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = e.target.getAttribute("href"); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: getPosition(target), duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" }); }; }); } if (window.innerWidth >= 992) { initScrollAnimation(); } </script>
  2. I'm currently working on a freelance project, and I happen to run into a bug when I used the scrollTrigger function. Whenever I scroll to this section on Chrome, there seems to be a flickering light that shows up in the viewport. Not sure what's causing this glitch as it doesn't show up on similar websites that have the same implementation. Any thoughts on how to get this addressed? I've inserted a photo of the code I used below:
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