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moxol last won the day on August 29 2012

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Everything posted by moxol

  1. In TimelineLite.as file version is 1.699, but I am using greensock.swc and version is 1.698.
  2. I downloaded TimelineLite from link you gave me, but TimelineLite.version = 1.698.
  3. I am a bit confused. If I download TimelineLite 11.699 will I get TimelineMax or not?
  4. I am using TimelineMax, I see that version of TimelineMax is not 11.699, why?
  5. Download version from site is 11.698. I have that version. Where to download 11.699 version?
  6. I have set var mainTimeline:TimelineMax in order to append TweenMax animations so they can play in order. Now, lets say I append 3 TweenMax's to timeline and they play all and finish, and after some time I want to append new TweenMax to play, but they don't play unless I do a restart. My intention is to use mainTimeline to play imediatelly TweenMax's always when I append them, but I always need to do restart (even play() won't play them) if I do that. Can I get some explanation how to do that properly?
  7. Can I use TweenMax to tween values in 1 sec interval? I intended to use a Timer with 1 sec interval, but I was wondering can I do that with TweenMax since TweenMax is probably more accurate.
  8. I will provide example as soon as possible.
  9. Try to make .mxml file that contatins Group and FXG (copied) inside that Group, and make 5-6 such objects and move them to same y but different x positions and you will se that edges of some will be different.
  10. I have an object which cacheAsBitmap property is true. If I use TweenMax to move object to new position then sometimes object doesn't retain it's own size, for example height gets smaller by 1px or width by 1px. I know that problem is cacheAsBitmap, if it's set to false then it's ok, but is there some solution to this without cacheAsBitmap false, for example manually re-cache as bitmap object?
  11. Just to update that I have found a solution. TweenMax should be called in next Event.EXIT_FRAME after Event.RENDER.
  12. Event.RENDER is fired when Flash Player is about to render the screen. After that Flash Player schedules screen render for frame (according to this http://www.senocular...erofoperations/ In RENDER event listener function I've started TweenMax. Since Event.RENDER is just starting of rendering screen which will be actually rendered in couple of seconds, TweenMax is not sync with appearing of rendered screen, which I want. Problem is that there is no Event.RENDERED so that I can start TweenMax when screen is rendered. I am not sure how to solve this.
  13. I have a big .mxml file (2,5 mb) which consists of Graphic (copied from FXG) that contains large number of Paths. Because of complexity Flash needs a couple of seconds (depending on window size) to draw graphics. I need to start TweenMax when Flash complete rendering and appearing on screen of that .mxml file. I have added Event.RENDER event listener function to start TweenMax but it's out of sync, meaning that TweenMax always starts earlier then .mxml appears, for a couple of seconds. I have tried to use some other Event, but RENDER is last one fired. Best way that I have found out is to delay TweenMax, but that is not precise and I can't ever be sure how much to delay. How to sync mxml appear and TweenMax start?
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