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Jean Polkin

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  1. Hello everyone, I'm new to GSAP and I'm trying to make a quite simple animation. I have a portfolio section. In this section I have two divs. The first displays the post-thumbnails and the other div displays the details of the post that was selected. the animation that I would like to create is when we click on a thumbnail, the post detail div slides in the viewport and the first div is resized. And when we scroll, the post-container div pin to top until the section end. I have many problem as you can see on the code pen. I don't know if i got the good approach to achieve this. It would be very appreciated to have a little help from you thanks
  2. ohh yess! great!! i'm really greatful!!
  3. Sorry yes i want to re-order the blue ones randomly but I thought we should create an animation for the re ordered.
  4. Hi everyones, I'm Trying to display randomly those DragTiles by data values and staggered them but i'm quite lost and i was struggled for hours. I tried several methods like flip, random(), shuffle() without success. Could you just give me a hint so I can achieve this. It's a simple little animation and yet I can't do it. Thank's a lot for your precious help
  5. Thanks for the hint, i will fallow that
  6. Here's the topic, here I'm trying to create a historical timeline with a kind of slider. I found two animations on the forum that could do this."History timeline using draggable" and "horizontal reveal on scroll" I combined these two animations but the problem is that the anchor links no longer work. What I would like to do is that when we click on a point in the timeline, this displays the text panel and the associated image and when the panel is active, this enlight the point in the timeline. Do you know what would be the best approach to achieve this. your sharing of knowledge is greatly appreciated. thank you very much to help me accomplish this cool animation
  7. thanks a lot guys you're awesome!
  8. hi everybody, i saw an animation in an other topic and i tried to change direction to get the reveal of the colorish boxes horizontally but in my case it doesn't work. could you please help me to achieve this. Big thanks in advance
  9. Hi everyone, I love that animation, i would love to find a way to change direction (from right to left) of those color boxes. thank in advance if somebody would help me
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