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Posts posted by RedSmoke19

  1. Yes, I watched the initial video several times, but alas, I did not understand how to make the text freeze in the center at first, but the next scrollTrigger did this text from the zero position in -400. Now when the second scroll Triggered takes control of the first text, its position is reset to the beginning (

  2. @Cassie Thank you so much for the answer. Yes, I want to achieve something like this effect, but so that the text does not disappear immediately when it appears. I want to make it so that when I scroll the page, I have a test from the bottom up, when the text reaches the center, it freezes for a short time and after that, when I continue scrolling, the text goes up and a new one appears from the bottom

  3. Friends, hello everyone!
    Please help me figure out how scroll Trigger works. I'm new here and I really need your help. I've been trying to make this animation for more than a few hours and I can't figure it out.

    I have several timelines. In one of the timeline (tl2 and tl3; tl3 and 4) In them I try to animate the same text elements. I want to achieve such an effect when for one timeline I have a text from yPercent: 400 to y Percent: 0, and in another timeline the same text is shown but from 0 to - 300. But when I scroll to the second text element, it resets my position and breaks all the logic and animation (I read on the forum about the immediateRender: false, but it doesn't help for me(

    What do I need to do to make it work for me and how can I improve this code ?

    I will be very grateful and grateful to you if you help me find a solution to my problem and problem

    See the Pen wvmLpLr by oleg-cyganow (@oleg-cyganow) on CodePen

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