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Everything posted by MaryMax

  1. I added a 200vh width div above the timeline container. Once I drag the track and then scroll the page it gets out of the sink with the scrollbar. Could you please help me? I can't get gsap.utils.mapRange to work. https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/wvxJVYx?editors=1100
  2. Thanks Rodrigo but my drag animation still doesn't work. When I click on dots it should animate along the line to its new position. https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/vYaXeQL?editors=1011
  3. Hi there. Here's the original pen https://codepen.io/michellebarker/pen/QWqdqZV/597a468071d4dce3f7bf0ce80d6cb8d3?editors=1010 I need to put it inside wrapper, but I can't get the draggable to work. Even when I click the dots or dates, it doesn't animate the track to the next position. How can I use #wrapwrap as my scroller? Thank U?
  4. Thanks Jack, that's exactly what I needed. What about[ target: "#wrapwrap"]. Can't I just set the target?
  5. Hi There, again I'm using wrapper in my page, but when I activate normalize scroll I can only use scrollbar for scrolling the page. I tried pointer-events: none, still no results. https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/MWXdvYJ?editors=1010
  6. I have another question, please. How can I know which section is active or entered? I mean when Scrolltrigger snaps between sections. I need the index of vertical slides to perform an animation upon entering the area. I know there's onSnapComplete, but it fires after the process. Can I get the index sooner, like onEnter? https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/zYaepWg?editors=1010
  7. Thanks for your help, much appreciated. I came up with this Pen which is very similar to yours. I simply used 100 and -100 in my tween. Do I need to use { y: -(leftSection.clientHeight - window.innerHeight)} or mine is Ok? https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/oNymvXw?editors=1010
  8. Thanks, Rodrigo I did what you said but to no avail. It gets even worse. For example, it causes a constant jump between sections 1 and 3 when scrolling fast. https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/WNyLLrM?editors=0010 Could You please check out this Pen? It seems that it works just fine. The only difference is the version of GSAP, which is 3.3.1. Do you think it has anything to do with the library? https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/abKPZvj?editors=1111
  9. Hi ZachSaucier, I added a red circle to your demo and updated GSAP to the latest version. When I scroll fast enough downwards the red circle gets visible which means that the direction sometimes is -1 instead of 1. Could you please help me? https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/PoaXbwy?editors=0110
  10. Hi When I change the height of the section to 50vh everything gets messed up going downward, although it seems to be Ok in upward direction. How can I solve this? https://codepen.io/MaryMax/pen/VwdeKGE?editors=0010
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