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Sıradışı Digital

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  1. @Rodrigo Yes, I am a member of gsap club. I made the settings as specified. As I said, I use it as in the example above, but I get an error.
  2. I'm using nuxtjs 3 and the @hypernym/nuxt-gsap package. I want to use splittext but I get the following error. Can you help with this? const { $gsap } = useNuxtApp(); onMounted(() => { var childSplit = this.SplitText(".text-animation", {type: "lines"}); console.log(childSplit); }); My Error : index.vue:144 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'SplitText')
  3. As I scroll the page, I want the element's size and location to change in each section. Likewise, when I scroll up the page, I want it to return to the position it was in in every section. How can I do that. Can you help me?
  4. When I first open the page when I use smoothscroll, it scrolls from bottom to top. The problem is when I add hcaptcha to this site, such a problem happens. I don't know how to fix this. Can you help me solve the problem?
  5. Hi, I add effects to texts using splittext. How can I do this for every text? I tried with foreach but it doesn't work as I want.
  6. I have a problem when I use custom cursor with smoothscroll plugin. The error occurs when I scroll down the page. Is there any way I can fix this problem?
  7. Thanks, what I was trying to do was as follows. scrollTrigger: { trigger: container+" svg", start: "top+=20% center", end: "bottom-=20% center", toggleActions: "play none reverse none", markers: true } I was getting an error when I did it this way. That's all it takes to do. thank you for your time. const item = container.querySelectorAll("path");
  8. Hi, How can I get the animation to be triggered separately for each svg?
  9. Hi, I'm trying to make the white background transparent. But I couldn't solve it. Can you help me?
  10. Hello, I have a sample project at codepen.io. The image opens when you scroll down the page. When it goes up, the picture turns off. I just want the picture to open when it goes down. When you go up again, the picture does not turn off. Animation needs to run once. Would you help me with this topic?
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