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  1. barn's post in Textplugin webflow integration using existing external textblock was marked as the answer   
    You right I'm overcomplicating ..
    For clarification:
    - the "cursor" and "typing_text" are inlined classes inside the "typing" text block.
    I have followed your instruction and included the those lines that you added
    I assume that under "my text string" you have meant,  the text that will be typed
    <script> const myTextElement = document.getElementById("typing_text"); gsap.to(".typing_text",{ text: { value: myTextElement.innertext; value: "Welcome to the new xy of..." }, scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#info", pin: ".typing", start: "center center", end: "center top", scrub: true, //markers: true } } ); </script> I have ran the script, but its not typing
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