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  1. I was on 3.11.0, updating to 3.11.1 fixed the problem. Thanks for the help ❤️
  2. I'm using Scrolltrigger to animate some elements on my page when entering or leaving the viewport. I have a few places where I need to call ScrollTrigger.refresh() because content is removed from and added to the DOM. I dont want elements to animate again if they are already in the viewport. How can I achieve that? See the demo: Scroll down to trigger the headline animation. The Headline animates again if the button is clicked
  3. I'm trying to get this horizontal Scroll module to work using scrollTrigger and Draggable. This is basically the Codepen from the demos I'm having two problems: a) the dragging feels awful: The scrub is either making it lag behind so it feels very unresponsive or if I add in the line horizontalScroll.getTween().progress(1) its responsive but hasn't any momentum when I release and stop dragging. b) I want to snap to each section but the snapping is ignored entirely. Any help is greatly appreciated ❤️
  4. Not sure what happened here. The codepen is exactly how I wanted it to behave. I think I didn't run the codepen again after I updated it or got confused because I didn't add any content to the inner divs. Sorry for that! It still doesn't work in my real world example – but that's probably not a Gsap issue. Thanks anyways
  5. I have a scroll triggered horizontal draggable module and want to scroll inside of the slides if the content is larger than the viewport. Basically when you scroll inside the element and reach the bottom, the draggable element begins to scroll. any hints on how to achieve this? right now I can scroll inside the inner element and drag the draggable or scroll the draggable when I hover over an element that cannot scroll
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