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Atul kale

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Everything posted by Atul kale

  1. Yes @GreenSock, fromTo tween is really helpful. I will look more into it. Thank you so much for your help.
  2. @mvaneijgen Thanks for the very well explained reply! The reason I add two scrollTriggers is that I want to animate the image on two scroll points. First when it comes from right (which is working fine) then when it goes out from left. At right side(when image comes in) I am shifting the image from 144 PX to 0 PX which is working fine. However, while going out from left side, the image is shifting from 144 PX to -144 PX which is moving the image first on the right side and then on the left side. Ideally, it should shift from 0 PX to -144 PX so that it will only move the image on the left side when it goes out. (please check attach codepen example from the above message.) Would you please help me to fix this?
  3. I am working on a scrolling animation. I wanted to make an image slide animation similar to this website. - https://sarahfatmi.com/en The problem is that when image goes to left then it starts animating from X position: 144. The image should start from X position: 0 to X position : -144 What is the way to start animation at position X: 0 when it goes to left for second scroll function? Thanks in advance!
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