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Everything posted by Yashi

  1. Sorry about my delay respond. and Yes yes, your are absolutely correct, i want every tween to play with the same time, but with slightly changed time, not one after one. and sorry if i did some mistake , I'll fix that problem. thanks and this is what i mean. eg: if i hover that element, the time line start to play but not one after one, i want to offset the time Practical demo: -------------------- if first object move from 1 to 3, then i want to move 2nd object from 2 to 4 or 1.5 to 3.5. so no one notice it happen in same time. but it is, that's why i use that. in previous message i send you about my ongoing project code, it's a music portal WebApp, if user hover the album art, each block element stack and align to each one and vinyl come out from album cover right side. this is just a small timeline, but it is interesting to incorporate my project with GSAP, it's easy and fast, also i notice it can handle all the browsers related prefixing ,other best method and complex calculations to play our tween smoother than other. thank you once again for this great product. :smile:
  2. yes yes you are right, what i was tried is to create like this "TimelineMax.lagSmoothing()" and this is my code i'm try to achieve. this code work well, but i thought i can use that logSmoothing to my code. so every instant will work smoother. these instant come from database and show 10 or 15 instant in page and i was worrying about performance when it trigger so that why i ask that. thank for the advice. actually i'm new to GreenSock, i saw some couple of projects done with this library, and i was amaze and eager to learn this library and i use this everyday. if anything i'm doing wrong please advice. if you can please explain me bit more simple. i saw the demo, greensock beat all other library even velocity.js. nice work. $('.db-album').append('<div class="first"></div><div class="second"></div><div class="third"></div><div class="four"><img src="img/vinyl2.svg" alt="" /></div>'); $(".db-album").each(function(i, e){ var album = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); var first = $(e).find('.first'), second = $(e).find('.second'), third = $(e).find('.third'), fourth = $(e).find('.four img'), fifth = $(e).find('.db-song-info'), sixth = $(e).find('.db-song-play'), seventh = $(e).find('.db-song-add'); album.to(first, 0.2, {rotation:0, boxShadow:'none', ease:"Power2.easeInOut"}) .to(second, 0.2, {rotation:0, boxShadow:'none', ease:"Power2.easeInOut"}, -0.1) .to(third, 0.2, {rotation:0, boxShadow:'none', ease:"Power2.easeInOut"}, -0.1) .from(fourth, 0.5, {x:-25, ease:"Power2.easeInOut"}, -0.1) .from(fifth, 0.5, {x:-50, ease:"Power4.easeInOut"}, -0.1) .from(sixth, 0.5, {y:-120, ease:"Power4.easeInOut"}, -0.1) .from(seventh, 0.5, {x:50, ease:"Power4.easeInOut"}, -0.1); e.animation = album; }); $('.db-album').hover(over, out); function over(){ this.animation.play(); } function out(){ this.animation.reverse(); };
  3. Hi i just got new version announce newsletter and follow up the new feature in GreenSock library. and i read all the documentation about new .lagSmoothing and lazy feature, and that is amazing, but i want to know how can i use that features in TimelineMax, i notice there is only mention in about TweenLite and TweenMax, i tried to add that feature in my TimelineMax but it didn't work. so my question is how we can use new lagSmoothing and lazy feature for TimelineMax. thanks. - Yashi
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