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  1. When I scroll, the image makes a jump, and I noticed that the end of the scrollTrigger also changes its positioning. When refreshing the page, sometimes it works and doesn't jump, other times the end positioning is not in agreement. I don't know if this has to do with the cache. A part of the code of gsap: $(window).on("load", () => { setTimeout(() => ScrollTrigger.refresh(), 1500); }); const animation = (params) => { const tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: params.imageContainer, scrub: 1, pin: params.pin, start: () => `center-=50 center`, markers: true }, }); return tl; }; ScrollTrigger.matchMedia({ "(min-width: 992px)": () => { const tl = animation({ pin, imageContainer, }); tl.fromTo( transparencyBox, { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: opacity } ).fromTo( arrInnerBoxContent, { y: 100, opacity: 0 }, { y: 0, opacity: 1 } ); } });
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