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Posts posted by dxc

  1. I want to be able to seamlessly jump between different states of the animation. For example, let's say there's a walk, run, sprint, and idle animation (in that order). Let's say I'm running and I want to sprint. I can use play("sprintFrame") and it'll go straight to that label, but then if then if the legs aren't exactly how they should be on that frame, it'll look jumpy. I tried using tweenTo, but it plays all the animations in between. I'm thinking of using a fromTo, but then I'd have to manually get the current size, position, and rotation of everything. That could get ugly. Is there a better way that I'm not thinking of?


    Thanks for always proving such amazing support for newbs like me!!!

    See the Pen raOwYR by MAW (@MAW) on CodePen

  2. Check out the Codepen and you'll notice that you're able to drag the octopus to the left a bit before the bounds stop you from going further. You can't go to the right at all. After you let go, you'd expect to be able to drag it to the right (back to where it started), but it seems as though the bounds reset based on the image's relative position. When you drag it, you can't go to the right, but you can go further to the left than you originally could. 


    Thanks for your help! 

    See the Pen QwLVzM by anon (@anon) on CodePen

  3. Oh, I didn't realize transformOrigin wouldn't work in IE. That makes life a little tougher. I may have to just be content with the animation not working in IE . . . stupid IE. 

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