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  1. no, i want to play only 5 frames for click play 5 frames and stop, another click to the same button an play 5 frames again and reverse
  2. I have a sign with an action I want to play 5 frames and stops, and I have another gesture I want to play 5 frames in reverse function fl_SwipeToGoToNextPreviousFrame_22(event:TransformGestureEvent):void { if(event.offsetX == 1) { TweenMax.to(mc_pan,1,play); } else if(event.offsetX == -1) { TweenMax.to(mc_pan,1,reverse); } }
  3. this is exactly the answer I needed
  4. import com.greensock.TimelineMax; function cabrasP(event:MouseEvent):void { if(mc_pan.currentFrame < 49) { mc_pan.play(); } else if (mc_pan.currentFrame > 49) { mc_pan.timeline.reverse(); } } i have this but my mc cant, play in reverse, what can i do?
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