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Andrei Gheorghiu

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  • Location
    Portarlington, Ireland
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, swimming, coding.

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  1. Thanks for the thorough reply, Jack. I'll follow your advice on each individual point. Much appreciated. Ref: `invalidateOnRefresh: true`. Currently, whenever `ww()` (window width), `wh()` (window height) or `cw()` (carousel container width) change values, `updateScroll()` is re-run - basically starting a new animation. Could that be a performance problem? The way I understand your advice is to define the animation only once, outside of `updateScroll()` and use `invalidateOnRefresh: true`. Is there a way for me to manually invalidate it? I want to also invalidate it when the container changes size, not only when the viewport changes size.
  2. Preamble: this is my first attempt at using ScrollTrigger. i'm making a prototype for a friend's website, in an attempt to convince him to let me replace his 20 years old website (he's stubborn, but I'd be really happy to see his website replaced). I wanted to also use this to spin two libs that I have been wanted to use for some time now, but haven't had the opportunity: - solidjs (instead of Vue / React, which I use at work) - ScrollTrigger, which I'm very excited about! I've put this up in less than a day: https://github.com/andrei-gheorghiu/pwa-solid You can view the result here: https://pwa.codemonk.digital/ The scrollTrigger animation is close to what I wanted (except that it's broken in the deployed version - it only works well on my local machine, not sure why - see 4th question). The gallery part is slow and acts unpredictably at times (e.g: when scrolling past the last image, it keeps going one more position, sometimes). I've also noticed sometimes it acts differently when it has `markers: true` vs when they are hidden, which, again, i find quite strange. Here are my questions: - is there any way to configure `snap`? I'd like to snap to the nearest painting, not to the first one in the direction I'm currently scrolling. - Another detail I'd like to change about snapping is the snapping speed. I'd like it to go to its closest picture much faster. - I'd like to combine the separate animations in a timeline. (If this gets past the prototype phase, a lot more elements will need to be added. The idea is to make the entire website a journey. I'm thinking a timeline helps keep thing more organised and allows for easier fine adjustments later on). Are there any tutorials/examples on how to combine multiple separate animations into a single timeline? - last, but not least, the scrollTrigger seems to change its behaviour in the deployed version. When I run the app on local, using `yarn dev` or by building it and running `http-server` in the `./dist` folder, it works well, but on netlify the pinning of the image gallery is not working. Is this a known issue? If you spot any mistakes I'm making ref using ScrollTrigger, please, don't spare me. I welcome any and all advice. Thanks for looking into this.
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