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Everything posted by dg2000r

  1. dg2000r

    Zig-zag scrolling

    This is amazing @akapowl - That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much for your help!
  2. dg2000r

    Zig-zag scrolling

    Hi I've created a horizontal scroll-triggered layout, based on the GSAP demo (see Codepen), but would now like each panel to contain more content than I can fit in a single 100% height panel. I'd now like to extend it so I can scroll down the first panel, then when it gets to the bottom of that, to scroll sideways and see the top of the second panel, then scroll down that to the bottom before scrolling sideways to the third panel and so on. The attached image shows what I mean - either of the 2 solutions would work - as I'm still new to GSAP, I'll go with whichever is easier for now. I suspect it's a fairly simple problem to solve, but I'm not sure where to start, so any pointers would be great! Many thanks
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