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Jacky Yang

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Everything posted by Jacky Yang

  1. Hi, akapowl, I use BackgroundSizePlugin to make different effect at last. Anyway, your solution works for me, Thanks !
  2. Hi, akapowl , transform: none make the other scrolltrigger content of my page break, is there any other "scrolltrigger way" to make background fixed again ? Thanks!
  3. Hi, akapowl , thanks for the answer, that works!?
  4. Hello Teams, here's me again?. I want to use css "background-attachment: fixed" to style ".sec-1"(with blue background) and I found that the ".sec-3" scrollTrigger effect cause the "background-attachment: fixed" not work(comment out the sec-3 js code will work). How to fix that? Thanks!
  5. Hello, Teams, I have a timeline which using scrollTrigger to animate the green section('.sec-5') element. I want the animation only execute when media match 992 px, not execute below 992 px. I use tl.clear() when media is below 992, the animation pause, but I have to scroll a little second to scroll down, this is not I want, I want to scroll down immediately not stuck there. Maybe I misuse the clear() function or is any other solution for this case? Thanks!
  6. Hi, akapowl, thanks for your reply. So I have the rare use case of scrollTrigger?. Any way, thanks for the solution, it works!?
  7. Hi, Rodrigo, Sorry for the unclear description about my problem, my problem is the "fade up" animation(blue,green,pink section text) works fine but after the pined section, the "fade left"(all the grey section text) animation work but the animation start position is not correct, I set it to "top center" but it start earlier or not even start. Thanks!
  8. I have "fade up "(blue,green,pink section text) and "fade-left"(grey sections text) tween which using scrollTrigger to trigger animation. Before entering the pined element they work correctly, but after entering the pined element, the "fade-left" item work weirdly, looks like the tween element's position is not correct, the animation worked before I scroll into the view, how can I fix this case? Thanks!
  9. I have two section ('.sec-3', '.sec-5') ,they have their own scroll trigger element, and have the same pin element ('.wrapper'). When scrolling into view I want the view fixed and animating my tweens, but only the first tween work, how to fix that? thanks! https://codepen.io/jackyyang/pen/mdLyxjM?editors=0010
  10. I misunderstand the demo?. I thought when scrolling to the section and keep scrolling , the item will scroll automatically to the left(like my demo), definitely it's not works as I thought. I'm sorry about that, the demo works just fine and great!? By the way, there's another question about my demo. As the item height is short, is there any solution to make it looks "natural"? I want the pined section('.sec-3') looks like pinning in view, until scroll to the end of '.scroll-trigger'. Now, it looks like '.sec-3' is moving down. Thanks! demo
  11. Thanks for the answer! And I notice that this demo is not working, can you fix that? Thanks.
  12. I have a section('.sec-3'), I pin it to fixed in view, and it has 3 items('.scroll-trigger-item') to scroll horizontally when scrolling. I loop the items array but just one item works (the first item). Please help me to fix code to make other items work except the last item(make the last item stop in view's center), thanks!
  13. Hi, @mvaneijgen, sorry for the late reply, I'm working on another project these day. Is there any way to keep card1,2,3 moving up over the view when scrolling down into scroller-start, and when scroll up working contrary just like the demo page ? Thanks!
  14. I tried to copy this site's first three cards scroll effect with ScrollTrigger plugin, but I have some problem with the "start" 、"end" option, and they move to fast, how to change it to implement this effect? Thanks!
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