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Posts posted by etheric

  1. Hey @Cassie @iDad5
    doing a scrolltrigger.refresh, but body's height (which is initially given from smoother I believe) doesn't update.

    Here's the codepen

    See the Pen poLWVrE?editors=1111 by gesjaa (@gesjaa) on CodePen

    (refresh code - on line 61)
    1/scroll to the footer. See where's (END)
    2/ Then close the accordion on the top
    3/ End is not on the bottom anymore.. Same if it was closed -> open

    Triggers might be updated, but not the body height which is coming from smoother I guess.

  2. On 5/18/2022 at 11:55 PM, GreenSock said:

    I'm not sure how you've structured things and I'm completely unfamiliar with Drupal, but the general idea is to just make sure you call ScrollTrigger.refresh() when you're done resizing the content. 

    Same issue here, so it's not about ScrollTriggers issue.

    ScrollSmoother calculating the page's height (to transform it later) at the page-load. But if you change height of childs after - the page is getting cutted at the bottom, because it wasn't recalculated.

    Is there any method like:


    Currently smoother is refreshing at window-resize. Mb there is a way to force-trigger that

  3. I want to fake it by animating x, as you can see in the demo, x value is calculated correctly, titles are stopping exactly at the end of sections. But the problem here are start and end properties. Also for the second section I can't just use ".horizontal-scroll" trigger with this start value (which is correct to me) because it's not getting triggered. 

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