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Posts posted by mattpilott

  1. Hello,


    I'm trying to work out an approach to animate a paragraph of text line by line, with a colour wipe effect. I can't find anything similar on codepen or on the forum, i've attached a screenshot of the design to give an idea of what i'm trying to do.


    How should I approach this? My linked codepen is kinda close but not as it shouldn't fade the colour change, instead it should be a wipe



    Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 7.15.05 pm.png

    See the Pen ExrPPKQ by mattpilott (@mattpilott) on CodePen

  2. Hello,


    In a project im working on which is using gsap 3.11.5, updating to 3.12 or 3.12.1 breaks pinning. This behaviour is similar to what happens when you dont use a context. Im in SvelteKit and the break happens when changing pages. Essentially the dom isn't cleared up properly. Here's the code:

    let trigger
    onMount(() => {
        const ctx = gsap.context(() => {
            let tl = gsap.timeline({
                ease: 'none',
                scrollTrigger: {
                    scrub: true,
                    start: 'top 25%',
                    end: '+=100%',
                    pin: true
            tl.from('.body', {
                y: 50,
                autoAlpha: 0.25,
                duration: 2
                { backgroundPosition: '50% 0%' },
                { y: -50, backgroundPosition: '50% 100%', duration: 4 }
            tl.to('.body', {
                y: -100,
                autoAlpha: 0.25,
                duration: 2
        }, trigger)
        return () => ctx.revert()

    Is there something i need to do or is there a bug?

  3. Hello, i have a SvelteKit project and when i change pages pinned elements get stuck in the dom and are in the dom on the new page.


    I have tried killing all timelines and refreshing scrolltrigger but neither works. How can i remove the pinned element markup and reset things to i can do my route change cleanly?

  4. Yesterday i deployed a build of a site thats been in production for almost a year and all was well.


    Today I added a link to the menu and upon deployment i get this error

    error An unexpected error occurred: "https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fshockingly: connect ECONNREFUSED"

    I havent changed anything, subscription still active, can't see any reason my commit could have caused this either.


    Is this something gsap side that needs resolving? I'm currently blocked as a result.


    I also get this error locally if i try to reinstall dependencies


    I'd really appreciate some help, thanks

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