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  1. ok, made a minimalistic codepen: https://codepen.io/lisaglatzl/pen/rNZGqye But it looks completely normal, right? That means other files or plugins might be causing issues?
  2. helloo friends, I've animated an SVG on a client's website that runs from one side to the other. It works great in all browsers... except for Safari. There, I get a display error of the SVG and I'm not sure if or what I can do about it. Has anyone had a similar problem? The text refers to the pink owl without the butt at the level of the "Winzer" heading." https://www.rosaliadac.at
  3. aaah thank you for the fast solution! *-* The position of the SVG will be fixed on the right side of the website, so it's working like a "to top button". That was the idea, i hope it's working out this way
  4. Thank you! The rotation on click how i wanted it to be! *-* But if you scroll down the page the rocket should fly from the clouds to the planet, and on click the page scrolls up and the rocket flys back to the clouds and spinns again. Do you know what i mean?
  5. Hey, i managed to make it work! https://codepen.io/pen?template=yLvvWeG Should I start new topic or will someone find this one and is trying to help me? Thanks for your help!
  6. Webschmiede

    Flying rocket

    Hello guys, i'm a total newbie to this forum so i hope i'm doing this right. i tried to create a codepen link, but it just didn't worked out. what i want: while scrolling the page the rocket should slowly fly from bottom to top and on click the rocket turns around flys back to the bottom and again turns around. and so on. what my rocket does: flys from top to bottom while scrolling and i'm not able to turn it around on click. Does anyone have an idea what i can do? I'm thankful for any tip
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