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Everything posted by AdMan123

  1. thank you that method makes much better sense than how I'd done it, really appreciate your help!
  2. I have images within a banner ad that seem flash on the initial load, when the animation repeats it doesn't happen. I've tried autoAlpha but it doesn't work (or my implementation is incorrect). If anyone has any advice I'd be very grateful to hear, thank you!
  3. Hi @anasuddin I'm having exactly the same problem, I want the video to play / pause on scroll in an iFrame (Google Ad Manager tag). How did you resolve it?
  4. Thank you much appreciated, apologies for crossing the guidelines
  5. Hi, I'd like to add another frame of text after the current <h1> using the same styles, how do I add that? Apologies for what might seem like a noob question! Frame 1. "Highlights and Full Match Replays" (setup) Frame 2. "FPL Tips Every Gameweek" (not setup Thank you!
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