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  1. I have 2 pins, one for the text and one for the phone. The pinning for the phone is not responsive. I have to reload the whole page for it to recalculate. I have tried using a timeline making the pins start together I have tried adding refreshPiriority and invalidateOnRefresh. I have also tired save style Nothing works still please help
  2. As the codepen above, the height of different sections is not the same, how do I make the start point of each section responsive?
  3. Hi, i have solved by using view child and view children to reference the elements
  4. How to create text behind television screen effect when scrolling like https://www.danielspatzek.com about Page
  5. Angular ngIf and NgFor animation not working. It gives a object not found error
  6. How can i acheive the parallex image effect done on the girl with scrolltrigger and css only
  7. hi how do i do the parallex effect show above with css and scroll trigger, the effect with the girl
  8. let tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 }, scrollTrigger: { // markers:true, trigger:'.vid-container', scroller:'.scroller', start: "top 10%", end: '4000', scrub: 2, pin:true, anticipatePin:1, pinSpacing:true, // pinSpacing:false, } });
  9. I am trying to make a video scrubbing section with ngx-video-scrolling in Angular, but when i add that section,it uses the normal scrollbar and i have an overflow. how do I make ngx-video-scrolling use the smooth-scrolling scroll bar? the smooth scroll bar libary that im using is smooth-scrollbar
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