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pixeldroid last won the day on August 3 2012

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  1. This file is currently set to private. When a file is set to private by its owner only the owner of the file can access it. If you are the owner of the file please log into your account to access this file.
  2. Could you upload the file?
  3. Thanks a lot Carl: The first approach failed: allAni.to(laserAni, 1, {time:laserAni.duration()}) .set(laserAni, {time:0, immediateRender:false}) .to(laserAni, 1, {laserAni:laserAni.duration()}) // It plays the first '.to', then Error when it executes '.set': // #1069: Property laserAni not found on com.greensock.TimelineMax and there is no default value. But the second is a success! allAni.to(laserAni, 1, {time:laserAni.duration()}) .fromTo(laserAni, 1, {time:0}, {time:laserAni.duration()})//Plays twice Is actually an improvement because I can control the overall timing of the laser animation. ========================================================================= I discovered something else I don't understand in this setup: If I do this: var allAni:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); then the original laserAni() will run upon compile. Even when I use a button to: allAni.restart() It only plays the animation one time (which is even more confusing). However if I also add laserAni.pause();// pause the original timeline I get the behavior that I expect - nothing happens until I click the button, at which time the animation plays twice. Do you see what is going here? ======================================================================== One other clarification: I remain a bit confused about when to use methods like '.append/insert' vs. '.to/from' Is it the case that when a timeline is assigned to a var we should avoid 'append/insert'? Thanks a ton.
  4. Thanks Carl: I've read thru all the gotchas, but I'm still absorbing all the syntax - you're tuts have been extremely helpful. However, the solution 'v12good' above still only runs once if I append it twice: allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, laserAni.duration(), {time:laserAni.duration()}) ); allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, laserAni.duration(), {time:laserAni.duration()}) ); I realize there are other strategies to pull this off if need be, but once I encounter an issue, Ie like to get full resolution. I also tried time:0, though I would think we shouldn't have to specify time. Do we? Thanks.
  5. I've run into the same problem, but I'm unable to get your solution to work. Here's what I've tried: var laserAni:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); laserAni .to(laser, laserFadeTime, {alpha:1, delay:laserDelay}) .from(laser, laserMoveTime, {x:-250 }) .to(laser, laserFadeTime, {alpha:0}); var allAni:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); //allAni.append(laserAni);//Only runs once if repeated //allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, laserAni.duration, {currentTime:laserAni.duration} ) );//Implicit coercion of a value of type Function to an unrelated type Number. //allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, laserAni.duration, {} ) );//Implicit coercion of a value of type Function to an unrelated type Number. //allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, 3, {currentTime:laserAni.duration} ) );//Property currentTime not found on com.greensock.TimelineMax and there is no default value. allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, 3, {} ) );//Only runs once if repeated allAni.append( new TweenMax(laserAni, 3, {} ) ); Probably missing somethig simple... Thanks.
  6. That is helpful. However, a clarification: I have a situation where if I call my init() function in a script, it throws an error, stating that it can't find an object. But if I delay it's call with: TweenLite.delayedCall(1, init); it doesn't throw the error. Also, if I place the layer continaining the MC that has the init() call above the object which causes the error, this also eliminates the error. So Flash is executing the code embedded in each object's timeline as it loads it. Further it executes that code as it loads the objects on a given layer, so if an object has code that addresses another object on the same layer, but the 'addressed' object is above it in the stacking order, it will also throw an error. Thanks. PS. That's probably pretty basic, but since I just figured it out, I'm posting it with the related discussion...
  7. In this example there are 2 instances of a moving object, one uses BlitMask, the other doesn't. I don't see any smoothing effect on the blitted instance. Could be operator error, the nature of the graphics or ? Also, do you have a suggestion for getting the objects moving before the movie loads (so there isn't a pause when it appears). My approach would be to start the animation then make the movie visible, but perhaps there is a better way? Thanks much.
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