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  1. Thanks. It helped me find a solution.
  2. Hello! I have two blocks with same classes .container. Inside each .container I want to have two animated divs: .box1 and .box2. Animation for .box1 and .box2 must start when parent .container is in viewport. How to use the same trigger for two divs? gsap.utils.toArray(".div1").forEach(box1 => { gsap.to(box1, { ease: "none", transform: "translateY(-5vw)", scrollTrigger: { trigger: container, start: 'top bottom', end: 'top top', scrub: 0.1 } }); }); gsap.utils.toArray(".div2").forEach(box2 => { gsap.to(box2, { ease: "none", transform: "translateY(5vw)", scrollTrigger: { trigger: container, start: 'top bottom', end: 'top top', scrub: 0.1 } }); });
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