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  1. Thanks a lot. I will try and learn!!!! Happy Day Today!
  2. Ahhh. I forgot: the problem with the percent...solved..I wrote it wrong ?. Thank you
  3. Hello akapowl, thanks for your answer and sorry for the late response. to be honest, I don´t understand exactly, but I think I understand a few steps: the position of the scrolltrigger in the function - needs to be beforekilling. That sounds good. ok. And I think, I need the for the triggerposition? Am I right? I changed the trigger of all panels to the classes of the animated divs because of having 4 animations. And I now put all the other animations in place and they work. For the animation in the first section I made a "first" panel with display: none. It works. But I think, it is not very elegant. Is there a better way? And how can I manage, that the animation inside the panels first completes before scrolling down the panel itself? Or fix the animation in the middle of the viewport? Or at the top of the panel? I tried with pining the "project"-div. No chance. And I tried a timeline. But I think, theres is my problem with the right positioning of the timeline in the code. https://codepen.io/nettys/pen/ExopGRx
  4. Hi Zach, first of all to all developers and helping hands: thanks for the great work and the amazing animation library! I am new in doing animations with GSAP, but I am glad to found such a great tool. But.... I have a problem with the Codepen above. I try to animate divs in the panels. And I want to do this for all panels. The animation is working fine with the simple fromTo-Animation (panel 2 and 3). But if I try to start the animation with a trigger (in the first panel), it is not working anymore. Even the markers are not visible. And I can´t find the problem. Target for all panels: I want the animations in the layer to be controlled with the scrub-function and have different animations. Can me help someone? And another question for the animation project4: is it possible to set the x-value for the end position to x: 50%? I tried Xpercent: 50, but without success. THANK YOU! Here is my Codepen https://codepen.io/nettys/pen/gOozLvO
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