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Everything posted by LolaDany

  1. i did a yarn add need to check tomorow, do you know how i can also make the font size on scroll smoother and not so agressifve
  2. Here is the link with the testing site -> http://danytest.lola.lu/ On resize the window the two pinned section break .. really don't know what to do.. kinda new in gsap It only breaks when you resize the window under the pinned section, when you want to scroll up again my scroll trigger -> my 2 pin scroller trigger are .mf and .stat THANKS gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const anim = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.mf', start: 'top', end: 'bottom -=5000px', pin: true, anticipatePin: 1, scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true, }, }); anim.to('.mf-text', {translateY: '0'}, 'one') anim.to('.mf-cover', {opacity: '1'}, 'three') anim.to('.mf-text', {fontSize: '200vw'}, 'three') .add( function(){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('.mf-page').offset().top, }, 500); } ); const animstat = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.stat', start: 'top', end: 'bottom -150%', pin: true, scrub: true, }, }); animstat.to('.stat-text', {translateY: '0'}, 'stat-one') animstat.to('.stat-text', {fontSize: '3000px'}, 'stat-two') animstat.to('.stat-cover', {opacity: '1'}, 'stat-three') animstat.to('.stat-text', {fontSize: '5000px'}, 'stat-three') ScrollTrigger.batch('.hiderev', { start: 'top+=100px bottom-=200px', onEnter: batch => gsap.to(batch, {opacity: 1,x:0, y:0, stagger: 0.15}), onLeaveBack:batch => gsap.to(batch, {opacity: 0,translateY:'50px', stagger: 0.1}), }); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: '.mf-page', start: 'top 100%', end: 'bottom 100%', toggleActions: 'play pause resume reverse', onEnter: hideblacks, onLeave: showblacks, onEnterBack: hideblacks, onLeaveBack: showblacks, }); function hideblacks() { $('.menu-side').css('left', '0'); $('.menu-side__line').removeClass('hideextra'); $('.menu-side__text').removeClass('hideextra'); } function showblacks() { $('.menu-side').css('left', '-100%'); } ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: '.homebanner', start: 'top 100%', end: 'bottom 20%', toggleActions: 'play pause resume reverse', onEnter: showmenu, onLeave: hidemenu, onEnterBack: showmenu, onLeaveBack: hidemenu, }); function hidemenu() { $('.menu-side').css('left', '-100%'); } function showmenu() { $('.menu-side').css('left', '0%'); $('.menu-side__line').addClass('hideextra'); $('.menu-side__text').addClass('hideextra'); }
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