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Everything posted by Nextleveles

  1. I have 3 tabs with different items in each, and I am using scrollsmoother to make animations, and parallax. The problem is that whene I change the tab, I cant "restart" the scrollsmoother, so parallax, and positions are not correct to make the animations. Any help? I can share url in private to show the issue.
  2. Is there any scrollbar style predefined like its at loco when smoothscroll is activated?
  3. Thanks @mvaneijgen, The effect I want to get is the way Next Ceramic Generation is showing....
  4. I am trying to get an effect with greensock for the text in a slider were letters come from bottom to top like in "rocersa_com" homepage. The challenge is that admin will add the text in the wordpress panel, so I dont know in prior if there will be, 1, 2, 3, 4 or more lines, that comes with this structure. I will launch this effect with the gasptrigger, but need some help in getting the effect work. <h1 class="animate-fade"> <span class="color-white fnt-dmsans">LOREM</span> <span class="color-white fnt-newyork">IPSUM</span> <span class="color-white fnt-dmsans">SIT AMET</span> <span class="color-red fnt-newyork">Whenever</span> </h1>
  5. Thanks so much, will try that for tomorrow but it seams will work, Is there anyway to integrate this with lazyload and barbajs?
  6. Thanks Osu, any example? I dont know how to solve this.
  7. Thanks, Cassie, the issue probably is that we are animating huge element 6000 height all the time on scroll, thats slow. Is there any way scroll only by sections?
  8. Thanks @Cassie I am trying to fix it, but it looks that page content is not loaded in full ( lazy load images, and videos ) so when I scroll down it tries to recalculate using the refresh, but I cant see any other solution that waiting to the full page load before using the scroll and maybe disable the lazy, dont know.
  9. Hi, we are implementing Scrollsmoother in a site, all works perfectly except in a huge page with multiple lazyload images, filters, and a mp4, it seems that it needs to load all page to avoid blinkins and small jumps that makes the page not scroll smooth. When I arrive at the end of the page, everything seems to work perfect, but in the process the scroll does not seems nice. We are using the .refresh() but it does not solves for this page. Sorry cant share the link, but if "GASP" may help I can provide in private.
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